Give yourself the GIFT of living in the PRESENT.
How hypnotherapy works
Hypnotherapy fast tracks communication between the conscious and subconscious minds. The hypnotherapist gently guides the client to deeply and safely explore the subconscious mind -- where we store every memory, emotion, and thought. During this relaxed, yet hyper-focused state the client can have new and positive experiences, reframe old beliefs/habits, let go of the past and enjoy themselves in the process.
What to expect
Hypnotherapy sessions are customized to align with where you are and where you want to be. Your speaking style and life will be incorporated in every session; therefore, hypnosis suggestions are familiar and comfortable.
Clients that are ready for transformation and have an optimistic attitude enjoy hypnosis the most and have the greatest results.
No matter the goal, we start with three [3] sessions. If there is value in more, additional will be discussed with and decided by the client. Clients are always given time to work with they have learned in between sessions.
Some clients experience profound shifts and changes after just one or two sessions. Those that do their homework [this is fun homework!] and make hypnosis part of their daily life, often find they can do so much on their own! All clients have the option to learn self-hypnosis that they may use for other parts of their lives.
Hypnotherapy is for people that take their lives and happiness seriously, but aren’t quite sure how to get there. They are people that are ready to embrace and reclaim authority over their lives. They are far from perfect, but they do have a single thing in common: the DESIRE to live, think and interact in their best possible way and the ability to LISTEN and FOLLOW instructions. If that sounds like you, than you are ready for hypnotherapy with me.
COVID - 19
Although life seems like it is finally settling down, your comfort and safety is a priority. I offer both in person and online consultations and hypnotherapy sessions. I follow all Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations in my office and at home. We will work together to make everyone feel comfortable and supported.
Hypnotherapy programs
Freedom from nicotine
If you’ve tried to quit multiple times, only to fall back into your smoking habit, Hypnotherapy may be the perfect solution to you nicotine addiction.
Get in a healthy relationship with food
Whether you are an emotional eater or suffer from body image issues, let’s get you back on the right track with your eating and nutrition.
Increase your peace & lower anxiety
Learn to find peace and calm in our increasingly chaotic and noisy world. I’ll help you develop a toolkit so you can restore your peace of mind.
Deep, restful, restorative sleep
Whether we feel it or not, most of us are very sleep deprived. Restore you health, emotional clarity, and sense of well-being by learning the steps to get fully rested!
Do you have more questions?
Your transformation starts with a consultation.
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