Combat Conflict Fearlessly & Fair

This is one of my favorite exercises to share. Research shows that arguments often consist of two or more people talking over the other to make their point. As points are being made, emotions go UP and listening goes DOWN. You see, it is nearly impossible to verbalize our opinions and be a good listener at the same time.

Have you ever wondered why people do this? It comes down to a simple thing: FEAR. We fear we won’t be heard or that we will forget the important details needed to make our points. We may also fear being misunderstood, anger toward us or even isolation.

This exercise provides opportunities for everyone to speak and be heard. It emphasizes active listening and engagement. Read through the guidelines and see if it sounds good to you. Keep in mind, if you are reading this handout, your best behaviors brought you right HERE. This exercise is for people who are serious about improving how they interact with others and living a peaceful life.

When you first start, this exercise may feel a bit strange or unfamiliar. That is normal because you are training your mind, mouth and ears to operate differently. So, be patient with yourself and anyone participating with you. By simply showing up and starting, you send a message to yourself and others that you care and are ready for better.

If you want to know more click HERE for the PDF.


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